From pioneering to proven
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our upcoming campaign «From pioneering to proven», celebrating in 2023 the remarkable success of some of our key products. This year marks significant milestones for four of our groundbreaking products: the 40th anniversary of the RM Cup, the 25th anniversary of balanSys BICONDYLAR, the 20th anniversary of balanSys UNI, and the 15th anniversary of Affinis Fracture Inverse.

RM Pressfit
With 40 years of clinical experience, Mathys is proud to showcase the evolution of its hero product, the isoelastic, bone preserving, monoblock acetabular RM Pressfit cup. The cup's isoelasticity and RM coating places it in a class of its own, as an unmatched design that has evolved in proven steps, from a non-coated cementless PE acetabular cup to the addition of hydroxyapatite and later to its RM single titanium particle coating. The RM Pressfit vitamys cup, the latest iteration of the cup, remains unquestionably impressive after 40 years of clinical experience with this isoelastic philosophy. The ongoing excellent performance is proven by clinical results1,2.
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The balanSys BICONDYLAR knee system, with its unique design features ahead of its time 25 years ago, brought with it the ligament balancing philosophy, allowing preservation of ligament tension for stability throughout the entire range of motion. With 25 years of clinical experience, this pioneering knee, with its move to vitamys inlays and modernised leggera instrumentation, continues to prove it is a market contender. Consistently delivering proven clinical results backed by excellent registry results year after year3,4.
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balanSys UNI
The balanSys UNI knee system, with 20 years of clinical experience, provides a ligament balancing surgical technique to accommodate stable ligament alignment in the knee joint. Its inlays, made of highly cross-linked vitamin E-enriched polyethylene, are known for their long durability5. This provides a trusted option for those in need of a reliable partial knee replacement proven by excellent clinical results6.
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Affinis Fracture Inverse
In the upper extremity portfolio, the Affinis Fracture Inverse, the first dedicated fracture reverse implant, is still relevant in today's market after 15 years of clinical experience. Affinis Fracture Inverse is truly pioneering in design. Its proximal calcium phosphate coated spike surface structure with suture holes, makes this design optimal for fragment fixation and encouragement of tuberosity healing7. Unlike any other reverse implants, it was designed specifically to address issues seen with the Grammont design. The inverted bearing surfaces, further evolved with vitamys, making it a reliable option for those in need of a fracture reverse implant, which consistently delivers proven clinical results8.
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«Mathys is proud to celebrate the proven success of its key products and looks forward to continuing to pioneer solutions in the field of orthopaedics based on our experience in materials, technologies, and designs.»
Mathys LTD Bettlach
Robert Mathys Strasse 5
CH-2544 Bettlach, Switzerland
Foxall-Smith M, Wyatt MC, Frampton C, Kieser D, Hooper G. The 45-year evolution of the Mathys RM monoblock cups: have the paradigm shifts been worthwhile? Hip Int. 2023 Mar;33(2):193-202
Mahmood FF, Beck M, de Gast A, Rehbein P, French GJ, Becker R, Dominkus M, Helmy N, Hollmann L, Baines J. Survivorship and Patient-Reported Outcomes of an Uncemented Vitamin E-Infused Monoblock Acetabular Cup: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study. J Arthroplasty. 2021;36(5):1700-6
De Wachter E, Vanlauwe J, Krause R, Bayer-Helms H, Ganzer D, Scheerlinck T. Clinical and Radiographic Outcome of Gap Balancing Versus Measured Resection Techniques in Total Knee Arthroplasty. Arthroplasty Today. 2020;6(4):835-44
Swiss National Joint Registry (SIRIS). SIRIS Report 2012 – 2021. Annual Report 2022
Lerf R, Zurbrügg D, Delfosse D. Use of vitamin E to protect cross-linked UHMWPE from oxidation. Biomaterials 2010, 31:3643-8
Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry (AOANJRR). Hip, Knee & Shoulder Arthroplasty: 2022 Annual Report. Adelaide: AOA, 2022
Reuther F, Petermann M, Stangl R. Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty in Acute Fractures of the Proximal Humerus: Does Tuberosity Healing Improve Clinical Outcomes? J Orthop Trauma. 2019;33(2):e46-e51.
National Joint Registry for England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and Guernsey (NJR). Summary Report SP Humeral Affinis Fracture (Reverse Total) 14.02.2023. Data valid to 14 February 2025